Tuesday, 28 May 2013

RTI Supreme Court police Complaint Authorities ,2nd Appeal

Respected Indian Citizens,

One more Step to Create History.............................................

I have applied one RTI to Chief Justice Supreme Court , Regarding Police Complaint authorities in India as per Supreme Court's orders. I was not provided the Reply, instead excuse was given that your Queries are vague in Nature. I sent 1st appeal. Mr. Sunil Thomas registrar and Appellate authority ; accepted the Fact in written ,even afterthat Information was not provided . Instead advised to apply for Judgements. I asked why not under RTI act............????? In order to protect his colleague he kept mum. I opted for 2 nd Appeal . My two Serious and Simple Questions from Supreme Court--------------
1.) Supreme Court is covered under RTI act-- Either you Exempt Supreme Court OR

2.) Provide me the information under RTI act.

am invited by Central Information Commission 's Chief Sh. Satya Nand Mishra on 06/06/2013. Now date has been postponed to 10/07/2013. It will be a historical decision that will decide the Fate of RTI in Indian Courts