-- Respected Indian Citizens,
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Subject: Reality of Women Empowerment in India…………………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
Now a days our Indian Government is talking big about Women Empowerment by giving them more Legal Rights even at the cost of rights of other members of our Family System (that includes Elderly Parents, Children, Sister, Mother and others). National Commission for Women, Women Child Development ministry, Prime Minister & President -speaks and shouts a lot on ---Women Empowerment in India. Some Educated & well settled Women have got benefits of empowerment and most of women welfare organizations are being seen only by rich, upper class ladies on the name of Social Service, who actually do not know the real problem faced by Women at grass root level. The modern Laws are also being used by such well educated Women to solve other selfish motives as our Laws be it 498-A, Domestic Voilance, Live in relationship, Rape, Adultery related false allegations----------------- there is no punishment to Women.
On the other side there are Women, who are Hardworking, Honest, Dedicated, who follow culture of India, who do not go for relationship without marriage, that to with Husband only. In our Family System --Faith and Mutual Respect has greatest role. Father scarifies everything for family and children, mother deserves extra respect, she handles matters of home. Family members bear all kind of pain to brought up children. There were some social problems also like less support to girl child for education and other occasions. But the same girl receives maximum ornaments, Gold Jewellery, other gifts from Parents, relatives and in laws.
Education has created awareness among Women, but at grass root level in villages and even in urban areas access to education and health are still difficult. People do not have Toilets at home, most serious reason for rape in villages. In villages and urban India, the people are becoming aware that --there is no punishment on filing even false cases. Police, advocates, and other so called Social Leaders are making money by extortion of innocent people on the name of Women Empowerment; even women motivate her to file false case. This way such women filing false cases, when comes to ground, till then she has lost the family, & Father for children. Now , since people who provoked her solved their motives and everyone with draws support . Innocent children are paying the price of the false women empowerment. The torture and harassment of young generation is leading to wastage of most productive energy of Nation. People are losing their jobs, one husband is committing suicide in every 9 minutes. False cases are being registered without investigation by misusing provisions of laws, and powers of arrest by Police where as real criminals/ Terrorists are enjoying due to strong network of Police, Criminals & Politicians. Situation is at dangerous level-- when youth has to suicide due to misuse of laws . In the larger interest of Honest, Hardworking, Dedicated & respected Mothers, Sisters and other Citizens of India, I want to know awareness on serious situations like : --
1 ) Why NCW and WCD minister cannot see the condition of 50% of Women in India who do not even get 3 time food on daily basis……….?????????????? What is their HELPLESSNESS………………..???????.
2 ) Today, even in 21st century, due to non -availability of toilets at homes, crores of Women in India have no other choice but to urinate and Go for Toilet in open. Why Women Commission, Women and Child Development Minister and Women sitting at high Posts such as Ministers do not feel ashamed of this………??? What they have done till now to Control this situation………..???????????????? ?
3 ) Indian families are being destroyed by the misuse of Gender Biased Laws like 498a and DV. Even a fake complaint by a daughter in law is considered to be true but other women in family like mother in law, sister in law etc are sent to jail because of fake complaints. Why Women Commission, Women and Child Development Minister are not concerned about the harassment faced by mother in law and sister in law………….???????????????/ Is it not the duty of Women Commission to help them ………?????????? Is it beyond their Juridiction……………?????????????? ??
4 ) When there are laws in place to punish those who make false complaints then why there is no punishment to well educated and clever women who misuse the laws by wasting Nation’s Money, Time and Energy ………..???? Why they are not punished ………..? ??? What is the compulsion / helplessness for not adding the provisions to punish Women who misuse laws which are otherwise meant to help Women in need …………??????????
5 ) Instead of misusing laws in the name of Women Empowerment, Why Women Commission and Women and child development minister do not work to take education and health benefits to the needy women at Grassroot level so that they can work and earn and become Self Dependent ………..???????????? Why NCW want women to be dependent on their families for their whole life…..???
6 ) Do family members other than wife have no contribution in managing the home and taking care of children……….????????????? Why NCW, WCD and other Women Welfare Organizations malign the upbringing and future of children by ignoring the Indian Culture and Family System……………???????????????
7 ) By mortifying the Morality and Character (by misusing laws), by undignifying the identity and self respect of hardworking and devoted mothers and sisters and by encouraging immoral values in children-- aren’t the women sitting at top positions committing heinous crime of sedition, family disharmony and treason of society………….??????????///?
8 ) Will the people of India & future Generations always remember NCW, WCD and other Women Welfare Organisations for heinous crime of treason of society by breaking family harmony, ruining the upbringing of children, using false cases, providing special benefit to Women and converting people from Citizen to Voter………….??????????????
9) What is the difference between a Professional Prostitute and a Woman who extort money by implicating false cases………….?????????????? Should not license of prostitution be issued to all such women……..?????
10) By spreading Legal Terrorism by making the system of Nation adverse, by compelling Youth to suicide, by encouraging characterless Women , Can we expect a civilized society comprising of a good family consisting of a good Son, a good Father, a good Mother and a good Daughter……….??????
I hope your conscious will wake up………….!!! , because you also had, father, brother and family members like elderly parents. Inspite of creating false illusion of women empowerment by providing different weapons like misuse of laws like speedy divorce, sexual harassment at workplace, 498A, Domestic Violence to create vote bank, you will take action by amending laws by adding provisions of Strict punishment on False Complaints….. to stop misuse, and to provide better infrastructure to help women in need at grass root level. Failing which; anger of common citizen, will bring revolution that will finish such ideals forever.
In the larger public interest of innocent Citizens, Children of this Nation I request to take action so that precious energy of youth can be saved from wastage of energy and ending their lives due to harassment and to save Mothers, Sisters , Elderly Parents and to preserve our India’s Culture, that West is following.
Copy to: 1. Prime Minister.
2. Law Minister
3. National commission for Women
4. Women & Child Development Minsister
5. Chief Justice of India
6. All M.P.’s, & M.L.A’s
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