Respected Indian Citizens,
I am sending you copy of Appeal ,Subject- Why only male is punished?? Due to misuse of these Gender biased laws Youth is forced to Suicide (One Husband per 9 min while one wife suicide per 19min.),Terminated from Jobs ,Innocent Family members are arrested without any Genuine cause, Our irresponsible Corrupt system is busy with Extortion. Why all this is going on ??? Where these circumstances will take Nation ??? Youth energy once gets out of control, what will happen..................???? As a responsible citizen i have asked some serious Questions ,because it is the duty and Responsibility of Law Ministry, Parliament,President, Govt. to ensure that Indian constitution is not violated at all. If it does happen ,then it is the duty of Court to take action in larger public interest . Can some one raise this issue in Interest of Nation????????????? Will any of you dare to come forward?????????
Manojj Kr. Vishwakarma
Social Activist, RTI Activist & Scientist
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Subject: Women having sex with selfish motives---- Why only Male is Punished …?????
I wish to bring your kind attention to the “Legal terrorism” spread by the so called Modern,well Educated Women by misuse of gender based laws in India. These Laws were introduced with the intention to help Women in need. Powers and facilities were showered by ignoring basic fundamental rights of Male/Society by our Indian constitution. These Laws due to some faults in our implementation process failed to improve the conditions of real needy women--- who sleep without 3 times meals, sell their body to survive ; because efforts were not made at ground level. Since there is no provision of punishment to women, even if --she comes with selfish motives. These Laws were heavily misused by so called modern, well settled women to achieve their financial and other selfish gains. Unethically practicing Advocates and Police takes full advantage of the drawbacks of our system. Lacs of youth are forced to suicide (Suicide rate of husband is double time of women). Youth is losing their jobs, being jailed on just false allegations , where as on the same land Government failed to take actions against Terrorists who killed the innocent people mercilessly. After huge expenditure on these criminals, their Punishments are being waved off by our President Smt. Pratibha Patil.
This situation-- where Youth is compelled to suicide, losing jobs due to misuse of Laws ( Government does not take action intentionally ---just to please vote bank of so called Modern Women ---who spread Legal Terrorism ) is alarming because Youth Energy is the most Precious to any Nation. I am compelled to ask some thrilling questions in large public interest. I hope you will dare to think, to take action on this critical issue honestly :---
1) Is making Physical relations the need of Men only? and not of Women…….????????
2) If a Woman makes Physical Relations with a Man to accomplish her selfish motives and accept a favour for the same ,Recovered the benefits like Financial / Property /Promotions etc. and then same lady complains for Physical Harassment then---------- Why only Male is punished ….?? Why that physical relation is termed as Rape or Sexual Harassment… ?????
3) If a Woman by her own wish make physical relations with a Man to gain Favours and received benefits for the same then------ Why she should not be considered as a Professional Prostitute………???? What is the difference between such Woman and a Prostitute………..????? Why such Women are not issued license for prostitution so that the Identity ,Respect and Dignity of Hardworking and Dedicated Women can be kept different and immoral values are not cultivated in Children…………?????????????
4) If any such Woman or her relatives to accomplish their Selfish Motives implicate innocents in false cases and complaints , then in such circumstances-- Why only Men should be punished and not Women………..???????????
How ..!! the Physical Relations with mutual consent can be termed as Rape………….????? Physical relations by force can only be attempted once , but if the Physical Relations are made repeatedly , then it is possible--- only with mutual consent and not by Force.
This is high time when Young blood is filled with full anger. Even now also, if responsible authorities fail to take action then revolution will be same as it recently happened in many Countries of World . I on behalf of crores of victims of Misuse of Laws ; request you to take action by amending these Laws by adding provisions of Strict punishment irrespective of CASTE , RELEGION & SEX and help people to use their energy for constructive purposes to make India a based free Nation where every citizen can live, earn with peace and respect the honesty.
Copy to: 1. Chief Justice of India Regards
2. Prime Minister
3. President
4. Law Minister
5. Speakar loksabha, Rajyasabha
6 . Leader of Opposition
7. All MLA’s, MP’s
Very shortly i will post letter typed in Hindi also...............